We Provide the Following Services:*
  • Educational Classes (See Topics Below)
  • Educational & Life Skills Groups
  • Educational Consulting
  • Guidance & Coaching for Parents & Kids
  • Tutoring PK-2  

Class Topics Include:

  • STD/AIDS Prevention for Girls
  • Pregnancy Prevention for Girls
  • How to Build Healthy Teen Dating Relationships for Girls
  • Recognizing Dangerous Relationships
  • Abstinence for Girls
  • Resisting Sexual Pressure for Girls
  • Stress Management for Girls
  • Self Worth & Discovery for Girls
  • Bully Survival Skills fro Girls
  • Character Building
  • Social Skills Training
  • Puberty for Girls
  • Goal Setting & Decision Making
  • Additional Topics Available

*Additional information on scheduling classes is found by clicking on 'The Mission' Link.

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