The mission of this agency is to assist parents, churches, schools, and community organizations empower our adolescent girls to succeed and safely navigate their adolescent years by educating them about                    "The Facts of Life".

This agency plays a supportive role to community organizations and parents that want to make sure their daughters are educated about “The Facts of Life”, but may not know what to say nor when or how to say it.  Sadly, 1 in 4 teenage girls has an STD!   These are alarming statistics!  As a parent or community organization do you want to help prepare our girls, but need some guidance on how to help? If you need assistance, a little or a lot, in educating our adolescent girls…The Facts of Life Agency can help!

The Facts of Life Agency offers educational classes* for the girls and consulting services for adults. We provide groups and classes for girls that teach topics that fall under "The Facts of Life". The purpose of these classes and services is to offer parents and community organizations help in ensuring that adolescent girls are accurately educated about "The Facts of Life".   We want to empower our girls with knowledge and confidence so they can safely navigate the adolescent issues that face them today.

  1.  Decide which class(es) or service that you'd like for me to provide.* 
   2.  Contact me to schedule an appointment.

   3.  We come to your organization and provide the class(es) on site.  Ten girls per class is the maximum.  The classes last approximately 1-1 ˝ hours.  

NOTE:   We can meet before the class is booked for you to review my curriculum and ask any questions that you may have, free of charge and without any obligation.


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